The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted one and all. There has been no escape from this.
The impact is global - be it organizations or individuals. Everyone has been impacted. Those who have been prepared for the downturns have been lucky but not everyone has been that fortunate.
There is so much which can be planned for the future. This pandemic has been like a reset button for a lot of things and the ways of life a lot of us have been living.
The biggest gain has been for our Mother Nature and Planet Earth. Nature has flourished in the last few months with pollution levels being the lowest ever recorded in recent times.
There have been losses however there are gains as well. Some new business opportunities have emerged which were not even on the remotest agendas or thoughts. The world has realized that remote working is possible though not everyone is same and believes that remote working is an option. There are still some societies where remote working is still not being considered as an option.
The losses are always temporary and as human nature we will always work towards the gains. The gains also could be temporary if the vision is short-term only. Once the normalcy returns, the normal will not be anywhere close to what it was earlier this year before the pandemic began.
There have been job losses and salary cuts. This is something which is inevitable. With the change in the economies around the world, the current working models across each and every organization has to change and adopt to the new normal and prepare for it. With such enormous changes around the corner, the management teams have to think hard and make a lot of tough decisions to make up for the current losses.
Workforce everywhere has to adjust to the new business models. Digitization will be the key however; care must be taken when adopting digitization. All solutions implemented must be able to adjust to the changing market and business dynamics. If you believe automation is the key of digitization, then think twice before doing any automation. If nothing else, the organizations have learned that what is normal today will not be normal tomorrow. So, automating a normal today will be a disaster tomorrow if it has not been made future ready and agile enough to adjust to the business model changes.
It is easier said than done that every situation represents a new opportunity; however now is the time to look within and identity the skills and opportunities where one can make up for the current loss. If we are able to harness our inner best, then the current loss will be a blessing in disguise as the inner best will make your future much better than the current profile which you have lost. The situation has also taught us about the bare minimum living needs and let us use these as the new normal to make our lives more peaceful and better equipped for uncertain times.